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Overwatch HUD






Download Overwatch HUD (8.89 MB)Last Updated: 14-10-2022


TF2 HUD based off of Overwatch 2.

If you don't like how far away the health/ammo is from the center, turning on minimal mode (cl_hud_minmode 1) will move the health/ammo to the center of the screen. (
Currently I haven't edited the mann vs machine HUD elements. I plan on doing them at a later date.
Crosshairs are managed in resources/ui/HudPlayerClass.res.

Resolution Support:
16:9 - Made on 1920x1080, should work on other resolutions
16:10 - Should work, maybe some slight offsets.
4:3 - Not useable. Lots of hud elements that are simply just gone or way too offset.


- JarateKing - HUD guide, letting me use his centered targetids
- Rawrsor & Nokk - helped out with answering some of the questions I had while making this hud

Special Thanks

- Jack for pushing me to update this after 4 years

Operating System Supported?
Resolutions Supported?
Miscellaneous Supported?
Custom Fonts  
Custom Menus  
Extra Scoreboards  
HUD Crosshairs  
Minmode Toggle  
Streamer Mode  
Custom Materials  
Easy Customization  
Gamemodes Supported?
Capture the Flag  
Control Points  
King of the Hill  
Mann Vs. Machine  
Payload Race  
Player Destruction  
Robot Destruction  
Special Delivery  
Territorial Control  
Full changelog available in the GitHub repository.
Sept 18 2022
- updated killfeed local bg color to be brighter
- fixed sizing of top bar matchmaking panels
- tweaked font colours of matchmaking panel
- 'in queue' and 'join game' buttons are no longer cut off
- hud ACTUALLY works - sorry this was a long time coming, I just never realized how easy it was.

Sep 21 2022
- Fixed blur background not working, disabled blur feature altogether as it was causing black screens on MoTD, class select, end of round screens
- Added armed animations for lower main menu buttons (not sure why this wasn't already done oops)
- Fixed colour of text boxes, still slowly working on correcting them as they come up
- Minor changes to improve quality of life and fix alignment issues

Oct 04 2022
- realigned longer item effect panels (razorback namely) to align from the east so they dont clip with the effect meter
- fixed payload icons not working in sv_pure and just not working in general
- fixed control point icons not working in valve servers / sv_pure servers
- added proper image for hud round counter
- advanced options menu is readable

Oct 13 2022 Update
- Updated majority of HUD elements to Overwatch 2's styling
- OW2 Health + ammo button styles, fonts, item effect meters, menus updated to OW2's styling
- Still working on other menus (find a game menu, revising loadout/backpack panel soon, etc)
- Fixed an issue with hudanimations causing the round end scoreboard not being displayed properly
- Fixed an issue with the Contracker being overlapped by the Resume Game button
- Fixed an issue with the Huntsman item effect meter (2 appearing)
- Fixed 2D player model not being aligned properly when disguised as Spy
- Fixed Razorback label item effect meter getting cut off
- Fixed payload/cp icons not being preloaded in the menu, resulting in them going back to default in sv_pure servers
- Vaccinator hud is still a little wonky but is a bit more aligned with the styling
- Rage/sapper meter fixed
- Changed colours to match OW2

User Comments


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The creator of god sex HUD Developer

it's finally updated!!!
Posted 23-09-2022, 06:53 AM
Vonk HUD Developer

holy mackerel they updated the hud!!1!
Posted 25-09-2022, 12:48 PM
beans (7) HUD Developer

Finally updated! Lets goooo!
Posted 26-09-2022, 05:16 PM

pra mim o melhor hud, anos esperanda a atualizacao pra fica compativel. nota 10
Posted 01-10-2022, 02:01 AM
❖ Kalkkuna ❖ HUD Developer

everything looks great only minus is that i dont like how its all white in contracter or is it just my commands that do it to get more fps?
Posted 11-10-2022, 04:38 PM
❤ (2) HUD Developer

The quickplay hud the one you can pick casual, community and other stuff isn't showing up , it shows the old hud selection of tf2
i can provide ss on discord
Posted 12-10-2022, 03:45 AM
❤ (2) HUD Developer
Frisky1225 HUD Developer

Oh god, this improved so much since I used it last time
Posted 14-10-2022, 06:52 AM
nimtra HUD Developer

yeah I gave the HUD some much needed love. Trying to just iron out all of the gameplay bugs and then move on with editing the rest of the menus.
Posted 15-10-2022, 10:22 AM
fstiv_ HUD Developer

so much work. nice
Posted 15-10-2022, 07:45 PM
Dapper Dan HUD Developer

you're going to hell for this
Posted 22-10-2022, 01:19 AM

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