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Hypnotize Hud






Download Hypnotize Hud (4.12 MB)Last Updated: 07-12-2022


Material TF2 Hud that aims to keep a really simple in-game ui and modern menus.

You can now download and install the HUD with TF2 HUD Editor by CriticalFlaw

HUD Wiki for Installation & Customization


HUD Base: m0re hud
Inspiration: Colly, Pigby, Jarateking, Omnibombulator, extracrispy, Whisker, Wiethoofd
Crosshairs: Broesel, Knuckles, Seeker, m0re, Fog, ToonHud, Garm3n
Streamer Mode: Whisker, Omnibombulator
[bSpeedometer:[/b] Waldo, quickkennedy, SgtPugs, Peaches
Material Design VTFS: extracrispy & Rawsor

Special Thanks

HUD Help & Feedback: bLa, Zetos, qkeitoe, Jarateking, Whisker, Wiethoofd, my Italian buddies and the whole HUDS.TF Discord
References & Guides: Omnibombulator, Doodle, Jarateking, Wiethoofd, Rays
HUD Editor: CriticalFlaw

Operating System Supported?
Resolutions Supported?
Miscellaneous Supported?
Custom Fonts  
Custom Menus  
Extra Scoreboards  
HUD Crosshairs  
Minmode Toggle  
Streamer Mode  
Custom Materials  
Easy Customization  
Gamemodes Supported?
Capture the Flag  
Control Points  
King of the Hill  
Mann Vs. Machine  
Payload Race  
Player Destruction  
Robot Destruction  
Special Delivery  
Territorial Control  
- Added support for last TF2 MvM Update
- Increased dashboard's play and quit buttons height
- Changed payload cap players color to black
- Attempt at fixing the respawn label bugs
- Improved Backpack page buttons and "new" label

- Improved CTF HUD
- Improved Palyload Bar
- Improved Player/Robot Destruction HUDs
- Customized MvM Objective
- Customized Training Messages
- Fixed KOTH Clock Showing The Wrong Team Color
- Tweaked Building Status Labels
- Fixed Disguise Menu Miss Matched Team Color
- Added New TF2 Update Changes
- Resized Hint Dispaly Panels
- Adjusted Some Scheme Colors
- Minor Improvements and Cleanup

- Fixed Disguise Menu Miss Matched Team Color
- Added New TF2 Update Changes
- Adjusted Some Scheme Colors
- Resized Hit Dispaly Panels

- Added recent TF2 update changes
- Added speedometer customization
- Fixed class selection menu not showing max players per class count
- Cleaned up the HUD from white spaces, syntax errors, uneeded elements properties
- Removed some uneeded VTFs, using VMT properties instead now

- Fixed FPS Loss Issue
- Cleaned Up Some Console Spam Related to the DefaultHUD Errors
- Minor Improvements

- No changelog, just updating because of the site data loss

- Customized Unboxing Screen
- Fixed Inspection Menu
- Customized Stalemate Panel
- Font Fixes
- Tweaked HUD Crosshairs to have the same order as the HUD Editor

- Added fixes by qkeitoe

- Reduced Font Health and Ammo Font Size
- Redesigned Engineer Buildings Panels
- Added Customizations for Damage Size And Style
- Moved External Links In The Main Menu
- Reworked Health Box Customization

- Fixed status icons expand orientation when multiple icons are shown at the same time
- Fixed scoreboard showing the teleports value instead of support
- Reworked hitmarkers to avoid fame drops
- Fixed chat party color
- General clean up and optimization

User Comments


By submitting a comment, you agree to adhere to our Comment Section Rules. fix this pls and i why don't see the icon of the killstreak on the weapons in loadout and backpack
Posted 11-12-2022, 02:32 PM
Hypnotize HUD Developer

Those icons are sv_pure limited so they work fine offline but they go back to default as soon as you join any server with sv_pure 2, so most server valve's included. Sadly there is no known way around this as even preloading them is not enough.
Posted 11-12-2022, 09:27 PM
Nueve HUD Developer

Hey! I really love this HUD but I'm encountering a bug basically everytime I'm playing the game with this HUD. The objective elements (the ones showing the payload or capture points) just disappear randomly and won't come back even after I use hud_reloadscheme. I've also seen my ammo numbers randomly disappear and reappear at least on a previous version but not on the current one yet. The only modifications I've made on the HUD were to change the main menu backgrounds, some colours and enabling a crosshair, nothing else.
Posted 13-12-2022, 05:48 PM
Hypnotize HUD Developer

I was aware of the ammo bug which seems to be a game problem more than a HUD problem, you usually fix it by inspecting the items of a teammate, not sure if it's also related to the objective elements, it's the first time I hear about them being broken.
Do they get moved in the top left of the screen by any chance? or just disappear entirely? I saw that behaviour before, not sure if that's the same case.
Posted 13-12-2022, 11:14 PM
Nueve HUD Developer

Thanks for the response. Yeah I went back and read some of the other comments and noticed that inspecting should fix the ammo count getting removed, so that's good to know.
The objective elements seem to disappear completely, yeah. I was familiar with the whole hud elements moving to the top left corner of the screen thing, as that was happening to me on a previous version of Hypnotize hud during the game end scoreboard screen when the vote for the next map would appear top left instead of center.
Anyhow, I suppose it's still possible that the problem is only on my end here, I'll let you know if I find a solution myself.
Posted 14-12-2022, 12:11 AM
Hypnotize HUD Developer

Interesting, I have never experienced it before personally. It might be another case of the game not liking me using proportional vaues with "proportionaltoparent" "1" since that's the problem I experienced recently with the player destruction HUD, as well as giving problems to certain users for the respawn label.
Also the bug at the end of a match it's game related as it also happens in the default HUD, seems to be an animation that sometimes just fails.
Posted 16-12-2022, 10:40 PM
Neal HUD Developer

The December 14th update moved MvM's CurrencyStatusPanel in hudmannvsmachinestatus.res to hudlayout.res, which breaks the layout a bit (previously in bottom left, now cropped off in the top left: More info here:

Not sure if this is fixable, but upon the first completion of a tour or the first votekick made on restarting the game, there is a blank screen for the former and a %voteissue% for the latter; both are fixed in subsequent appearances until next game restart. I've used other HUDs previously without issues but it seems this one has had this issue since installation - would love to be fixed!
Posted 21-12-2022, 12:03 AM
Nueve HUD Developer

@Hypnotize From the looks of it the bug isn't happening anymore so that's neato. Maybe it's cause I started playing in full screen mode instead of windowed borderless or updating the hud fixed the issue, who knows. Either way it looks like everything's working all right now.
Posted 21-12-2022, 02:44 AM
Hypnotize HUD Developer

I already fixed MvM currency with the last update as for the other issue I'm not sure, I'll look into it.

Sometimes chaning the resolution without a restart can cause such problems, so this might be another case of that. Either way, I'll keep everything as it is for now and see if any other users will report similar problems.
Posted 21-12-2022, 09:35 PM
zed_io HUD Developer

could u make an extra small option for damage numbers?
Posted 29-12-2022, 04:33 PM

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